Docker Containers

Docker Hub

There are ubuntu and alpine linux docker containers available with netcap and dependencies (e.g: libprotoident, nDPI) preinstalled.

Pull Containers

To get the v0.5 ubuntu container:

$ docker pull dreadl0ck/netcap:ubuntu-v0.5

To get the v0.5 alpine container:

$ docker pull dreadl0ck/netcap:alpine-v0.5

Run Containers

To run the v0.5 ubuntu container:

$ docker run -it dreadl0ck/netcap:ubuntu-v0.5 bash

To run the v0.5 alpine container:

$ docker run -it dreadl0ck/netcap:alpine-v0.5 ash

Tip: You can use the docker run -v flag to mount a volume with your packet captures into the container

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