
Implementing new audit records and features

To add support for a new protocol or custom abstraction the following steps need to be performed.

Protocol Buffer Definitions

First, a type definition of the new audit record type must be added to the AuditRecord protocol buffers definitions, as well as a Type enumeration following the naming convention with the NC prefix.

Encoder Implementation

After recompiling the protocol buffers, a file for the new encoder named after the protocol must be created in the encoder package. The new file must contain a variable created with CreateLayerEncoder or CreateCustomEncoder depending on the desired encoder type.

Depending on the choice of the encoder type, the new variable must be added to the customEncoderSlice in encoder/customEncoder.go or layerEncoderSlice in encoder/layerEncoder.go.

Audit Record Interface Implementation

Next, the interface for conversion to CSV and JSON and exporting metrics must be implemented in the types package, by creating a new file with the protocol name and implementing the CSVHeader() []string, CSVRecord() []string and NetcapTimestamp() string functions of the types.AuditRecord interface.

If the new protocol contains sub-structures, functions to convert them to strings need to be implemented as well.

Add Initializer

Finally, the InitRecord(typ types.Type) (record proto.Message) function in netcap.go needs to be updated, to initialize the structure for the new type.

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